

Masculinity is mostly known as the trait of behaving in ways considered typical for men. So, what exactly is typical for men? Well, according to Wikipedia: Researchers have found that men respond to threats to their manhood by engaging in (stereotypically) masculine behaviors and beliefs, such as supporting hierarchy, espousing homophobic beliefs, supporting aggression, and choosing physical tasks over intellectual ones. I put one word in that definition in parentheses. Stereotypically the definition of that word is: in the way that you would expect someone or something to be, do, behave, etc., even though this idea is often wrong.

It is this mindset that is drilled into male children all their lives that is responsible for so many things that are wrong and bad. For instance, if a male child does not feel he is strong and tough like some of the other boys around him then he begins to convince himself that he may be a female in a male body and falls into a state of depression until he feels he can become openly what he feels like he should be.

Perhaps they feel the only way to win an argument, or have complete control is to put their hands on those they swore an oath to love and cherish until death they do part. Or the children they helped bring into this world, or even if they are a stepfather. So, they beat them sometimes, sending them to the hospital. Still professing their love.

More often than not they are led to believe domestic chores are women’s work. Even if his life partner works a full-time job just like him. He should be able to come home, prop up his feet watch TV, and be served by his life partner and/or children as if he is a King and they are his servants. His life partner is expected to prepare his meals, do his laundry, clean their home, take care of the children, and be full of energy, excited, and willing to please him when they go to bed.

I do not believe this is what true masculinity is. I am a man; I feel I am every bit as much a man as any man I know. I have been shot, cut, broken, and battered. I endure pain every day that would put most curled up on the sofa crying for Mama. At the age of 66 years old, I will still work side by side with the 20-year-olds. When I was married after working 12, 14-hour days 7 days a week I would still come home and help my wife with whatever she had to do. We are (LIFE PARTENERS.) Partners are in it 50/50, no one measures who did more or who has the hardest job. You simply help each other with all of it.

I was a single father with a son and two daughters. I worked a full-time job, helped clean our home, prepared meals, helped with homework, did laundry, and even starched and ironed my own clothes. I cared for my children and was blessed with very smart kids who helped me and helped each other too. True masculinity is when ANYONE man, woman, or child goes above and beyond to do the right thing. A man who defends his family against all things that would bring them any kind of harm or suffering. A man who puts his family’s needs above and before his own. A man who is honorable, Chivalric, and has integrity.


Masculinity mostly known as the trait of behaving in ways considered typical for men. So, what exactly is typical for men? Well, according to Wikipedia: Researchers have found that men respond to threats to their manhood by engaging in (stereotypically) masculine behaviors and beliefs, such as supporting hierarchy, espousing homophobic beliefs, supporting aggression, and choosing physical tasks over intellectual ones. I put one word in that definition in parentheses. Stereotypically the definition of that word is: in the way that you would expect someone or something to be, do, behave, etc., even though this idea is often wrong.

It is this mindset that is drilled into male children all their lives that is responsible for so many things that are wrong and bad. For instance, if a male child does not feel he is strong and tough like some of the other boys around him then he begins to convince himself that he may be a female in a male body and falls into a state of depression until he feels he can become openly what he feels like he should be.

Perhaps they feel the only way to win an argument, or have complete control is to put their hands on those they swore an oath to love and cherish until death they do part. Or the children they helped bring into this world, or even if they are a stepfather. So, they beat them sometimes, sending them to the hospital. Still professing their love.

More often than not they are led to believe domestic chores are women’s work. Even if his life partner works a full-time job just like him. He should be able to come home, prop up his feet watch TV, and be served by his life partner and/or children as if he is a King and they are his servants. His life partner is expected to prepare his meals, do his laundry, clean their home, take care of the children, and be full of energy, excited, and willing to please him when they go to bed.

I do not believe this is what true masculinity is. I am a man; I feel I am every bit as much a man as any man I know. I have been shot, cut, broken, and battered. I endure pain every day that would put most curled up on the sofa crying for Mama. At the age of 66 years old, I will still work side by side with the 20-year-olds. When I was married after working 12, 14-hour days 7 days a week I would still come home and help my wife with whatever she had to do. We are (LIFE PARTENERS.) Partners are in it 50/50, no one measures who did more or who has the hardest job. You simply help each other with all of it.

If you are not this kind of masculine, then you are a pathetic loser who is not man enough to face or stand up to a real man. You can only find strength in picking on or controlling those weaker than you. It’s time for men to be real men and be masculine when masculinity is really needed.
These are:

I was a single father with a son and two daughters. I worked a full-time job, helped clean our home, prepared meals, helped with homework, did laundry, and even starched and ironed my own clothes. I cared for my children and was blessed with very smart kids who helped me and each other. True masculinity is when ANYONE man, woman, or child goes above and beyond to do the right thing. A man who defends his family against all things that would bring them any kind of harm or suffering. A man who puts his family’s needs above and before his own. A man who is honorable, Chivalric, and has integrity.

Simply my thoughts
Dean Butler

Posted in Uncategorized.