Ready or not, someday it will all come to an end.There will be no more sunrise, no minutes, hours, or days.All things you collected, whether treasured or forgotten will pass to someone else.Your wealth, fame, and temporal power shrivel to irrelevancies.It will not matter what you owned or what you were owed.Your grudges, resentments, frustrations, […]

Does Not Apply

I have some pretty serious issues with my back. I have had surgeries removing discs and replacing them with cadaver bone, a metal plate, and three metal screws. I make frequent trips to the emergency room for pain relief in my lower back. I still do some physical work, I still lift heavy things. I […]

Group Punishment

Group Punishment I remember growing up, I never thought it was fair if my parents would punish me and my other siblings for something that only one of us had done wrong. Just like it was never fair to punish an entire class for something only one or maybe even just a few students had […]

“BLM” No more hate

“BLM” NO MORE HATE Today I saw another post about BLM (Black Lives Matter). I read comments until I was sick of the sheer ignorance. The rich and powerful are playing games with all of us. The politicians are bought and paid to help do their bidding. They nonchalantly make what seems like subtle changes […]


Masculinity Masculinity is mostly known as the trait of behaving in ways considered typical for men. So, what exactly is typical for men? Well, according to Wikipedia: Researchers have found that men respond to threats to their manhood by engaging in (stereotypically) masculine behaviors and beliefs, such as supporting hierarchy, espousing homophobic beliefs, supporting aggression, and […]

Until it is lost

It is a sad reality that most share a commonality that I am sure they had preferred not to. This will apply to almost everyone in one way or another. You see mostly young people, or older people acting like younger people in their vehicles squealing tires or burning rubber as they like to call […]

I Wonder

I cannot help but wonder why it is that we have trouble understanding and experiencing most everything in its true form until we have first experienced its opposite. How can we say we have experienced the light if we have yet to walk in the dark? We see so many taking foolish chances with their […]

Please Teach Me

Please Teach Me Please teach me how to be polite, kind, respectful, thoughtful, and courteous. Please teach me how to be grateful, appreciative, and thankful. Please teach me how to be humble, simple, and modest. Teach me to have empathy, compassion, and sensitivity. Teach me to be selfless, helpful, and giving. Teach me what is […]

We Fight, We Argue, We’re Married

We Fight, We Argue, We’re Married For the most part, when we are at work, no matter what our profession may be, we are told and trained to be calm and de-escalate. A customer comes in screaming, cursing, calling us names, yet we remain calm. It’s not easy, but it is how it needs to […]


They think in their warped delusional minds that they look like and should be treated like royalty. I hate to be the one to burst their royal bubble, but the truth is they are disgusting, pathetic, and annoying things. You can substitute the word (things) with any word you like, I am more than positive […]

The Background Check

The Background Check I just watched a forty-five-minute video debate on guns. All the one guy would keep saying over and over was they should require a background check. Other than getting or buying a gun from a family member or friend, I know of no legal gun shop, gun show, or any licensed dealer […]