
Simply My Thoughts are simply My Thoughts.
I believe that we get what we give.
It is my hope that my thought’s will help you to see some things in a different perspective and help conquer some of life’s trials and tribulations that are put before us.
It is my hope to continue to inspire those that read my writing as they have so inspired me.
Many of my treasured friends have suggested I write a book, some have said the world should be able to read what I have written.
I cannot tell you how awesome a feeling it is to touch another life in a positive way, I can assure you it is nothing short of phenomenal.

How I discovered my thoughts:
Quite a few years back a young teen in my life was dealing with depression. I was very close to her and her mother. She was at the early stages of cutting, using a pencil eraser to rub back and fourth on her body until it would burn the skin leaving a wound that needed first aide. Everyone tried talking to her to no avail. She would not open up to anyone, no family, no doctors, or counselors absolutely no one. Then there was a popular website/blogging site for mostly for teens called Xanga.com. I was told she spent a lot of time there so I wanted to check it out. In doing so I saw that it was a blogging community where each person designed their own page and could post most anything. She would often share things that where troubling her and seemed to talk more to perfect strangers from far away than anyone else. I felt compelled to get close to her, to learn more, to try and help if there was anyway that I possibly could. I created my own xanga page in such a fashion that I thought it would appeal to her, all Goth, I chose a profile pic that was a likeness of the devil himself, a name from Greek mythology I felt fit “The Greek God of dreams” ( Morpheus). I went to her page and would read her post after much thought I would comment, share my thoughts. I didn’t want her to feel I was telling her the way she looking at something was wrong and you should look at it this way from fear of her blocking me, yet I had to be painfully honest. So I would write something to address the topic and tell her it was simply my thoughts she could take them and use them or ignore them it was her choice, they where no more than my thoughts. “Simply my thoughts” was born. This went on for some time, I rejected and gotten mad at even blocked, then re-approached and ask to share my thoughts on something, unblocked and befriended again. Only to become closer until we had a long discussion on yahoo messenger and she poured out to me all her troubles. I helped her get past them, stop hurting herself, start focusing and doing better in school, improve her relationship with her mother and til this day have a much better outlook on life. She during our time suggested friends to come see me, and they suggested friends and my friends list grew as I helped one young person after another, I helped so many. And many to this day look up to me as they have discovered who Morpheus really is. Most are even friends on FB, while I had a Facebook. I discovered for some reason I had a gift, I was able to write from my heart, explain things so that they could see things in a different perspective, and help them through the trials and tribulations of life. Some things I felt if I posted on one of their walls in reply to something they said, I would offend them. So I would address it in my own way post it on my page and call it “Simply My Thoughts”. I would still get across to them because they ALL came to my wall.
Now you can understand more about how “Simply my thoughts” came about, and why some thoughts I share are more so addressed to the younger than the older but not to say that we can’t all gain some insight from them.
God Bless, much Love,
Welcome to:
Simply My Thoughts
Dean Butler