“BLM” No more hate


Today I saw another post about BLM (Black Lives Matter). I read comments until I was sick of the sheer ignorance. The rich and powerful are playing games with all of us. The politicians are bought and paid to help do their bidding. They nonchalantly make what seems like subtle changes in our schools and the curriculum our children are exposed to and taught. They give you what appears to be sound reasoning behind these changes all the while the wolf is creeping up on the flock of sheep. If history was taught as it should have been in our schools, we would not have the great racial divide we see and hear so much about in the media. Our black Americans would be bitter towards the people that thought so little of them that they sold them into slavery, while their lives grew more and more comfortable and prosperous. They would not be bitter towards the white men because they would be too grateful to them for fighting and giving their lives or taking the lives of their own family members so that they could be free. They would be grateful to the white men who fought the Democratic party so that they would have the same rights that every other American has. It would not be possible for the media and the politicians to manipulate the black or any other race of people in this country because we know that for the most part, we all get along great, live together, love together, have families together, and prosper together. Fake organizations like “BLM” could not evoke the hate and destruction they do in the name of equality when we already have equality it is the law of this land. “BLM” just like their ancestors are siding with the politicians and the wealthy to create a racial divide, they are fixing absolutely nothing aside from their own personal wealth which made them multi-millionaires basically overnight. While the people they claim to represent are killing each other more than ever. Had BLM made any effort to stop the senseless killing among their own race I would have believed in them also. But all I see they have done is destroy the lives and businesses of their own people while they get richer. I have black family members, mixed-race nieces, and nephews, I have good friends that are black, and some of my best customers are black and still great friends. There will always be hate and racial divide until WE all as people say NO MORE HATE. We need to focus on the REAL issues that are tearing our country apart. It is not race issues, it is power-hungry politicians and their power-hungry billionaires. It is the open borders that allow the free flow of drugs into our country. It is the bought politicians that will not prosecute the lawbreakers. It is the free-spending politicians who are selling our country out to the highest bidder that will make them and their families wealthier. It is the fake propaganda used to make you believe the world is doomed due to the use of fossil fuels while all the companies they bought stock in that are so-called non-pollutants get richer and richer, while you get poorer and poorer. Just like for years, we heard how cutting down trees to make paper was hurting the climate. Even though the fact the paper mills would be replanted so that they could keep operating did not matter. They sold us on plastic, and now the worst pollutant on the planet is what? Yes, you guessed it plastic. People need to STOP letting the media and politicians manipulate them. Use the brain God gave you to think for yourself for the sake of us all.

Simply my Thoughts

Dean Butler

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